How To Kick Start To Develop Taste In Perfumes

1 comment Jun 25, 2020

How To Kick Start To Develop Taste In Perfumes

If you have just recently discovered the world of perfumes and wants to go further in it, you might feel a bit overwhelmed. It’s the world of Internet, and there is an explosion of options for you out there. You have to figure it out in the right direction that what is best for you. Here are some tips for those who are beginning to explore the world of fragrances beyond the casual window shopping your local store counter. Let’s get started.

Fragrance Community

First thing first, join the online fragrance community forums and groups on different socialmedia sites like on Facebook and Instagram. Most of them have been expanded to blogs where you can easily read the reviews, opinions, and beginners’ do’s and don’ts. You will find like-minded fragrance lover people over there – full of knowledge and ready to share lots of samples. Some other resources to start with are Fragrantica, MakeupAlley, Now Smell This, Chemist in the Bottle and PerfumeShrine. Not only this but you can also attend Perfume exhibitions and launch events all over Pakistan. It will be a great chance to meet some great people having the same love for perfumes as you. Plus you will get the hands-on-experience to test some amazing scents. You can also like Scents’n Stories Facebook page or follow our website blog to stay update about the perfume trends and other related designer fragrances’ knowledge.

Best Seller Perfumes

Analyze different discussions on the forums mentioned above and see which perfume is in trend these days. See the best seller one and buy it, take recommendations from the people you know as well if they have the same interest as well. Try to get the sample first, if the particular brand allow this thing. When you sample, use a large enough dose to simulate spraying from the bottle and wait long enough to judge it. Do this practice to make sure that you won’t tire of the scent after the top notes are gone. Give your nose some breaks, and don’t try to sample too many perfumes at once. You can also follow Scents’n Stories on Facebook to become aware of the best seller perfumes in trend.

Discover your Taste and Preferences

Explore different types of scents like fresh scents or woody musk ones and enjoy them. Realize that your tastes may change over time as per your mood, so try different samples at different times. Try to identify which one goes with your personality. For this purpose, use some natural scents and stay closer to your roots. Try to explore different scents categories for this as well. Scents’n Stories offers a wide range of impressions of designer fragrances which you can use to discover your taste and preferences.

Learn about the Notes

Try to identify different notes, i.e. top (lasts for 15 – 20 minutes), middle (lasts for 2 – 3 hours), and base (lasts for 24 hours). Some notes will be familiar to you from flowers, foods, and plants, while some notes will be new. Analyze them and keep track of notes that you like or dislike. It will get more comfortable for you if you buy those sample scents that have single notes in the initial period. So, you will get an idea that how to identify them. You can find these notes individually with every perfume at our online store Scents’n Stories for your ease.

Pay More Attention to Fragrances in Daily Life

You will improve your sniffing ability through paying more attention to fragrances in daily life. Like when you will be able to differentiate between the aroma of ingredients, such as spices and herbs, scents of flowers and soil and the smell in the air just before it rains. All of this helps you, gives a new dimension to your senses, and increases your observation which will certainly help you in finding your own taste of fragrances.

Try different Application Methods

The best technique to wear fragrance is to try it differently. For instance, apply scent near your neck or face instead of your wrists where the scent will always be in the range of your nose. You can experiment and play with different placements and dosages to see what you like best. You will also find that perfume oil behaves differently than alcohol-based perfume; oils generally stay closer to your skin. So, the more you explore, the more you learn.

The best part – It’s Sunnah

The best thing about buying and exploring perfumes is that it’s Sunnah and Prophet Muhamma (PBUH) used to do this. We are not accountable for buying perfumes as it doesn’t come under the domain of ‘Asraaf (Binge).’

We believe all the designer perfumes of the leading brands are quite expensive, but we sell their high-quality impressions at an affordable price -Just for you.
So, what are you waiting for? Go and explore a great range of impressions of designer perfumes at our online perfume store – Scents’n Stories.

1 comment

  • Abdul waheed November 10, 2021 at 4:53 pm

    Assalamualaikum I received my order tester 6that was wonderful and amazing .
    Thanks scents

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